eprintid: 9070 rev_number: 4 userid: 6 dir: disk0/00/00/90/70 datestamp: 2011-11-10 19:59:16 lastmod: 2016-11-15 13:48:58 status_changed: 2011-11-10 19:59:16 type: thesis_degree metadata_visibility: show contact_email: phm7@pitt.edu item_issues_count: 0 eprint_status: archive creators_name: Morgan, Philip John creators_email: phm7@pitt.edu creators_id: PHM7 title: Spectroscopy of Large Molecules in the Gas Phase ispublished: unpub divisions: sch_as_chemistry full_text_status: public keywords: 2ABN; 2PP; 3ABN; 4-methylanisole; 4MA; 9-fluorenemethanol; 9FM; ABN; barrier height; Hamiltonian; hexahydropyrene; HHP; m-toluidine; methyl internal rotation; o-toluidine; PABA; para-aminobenzoic acid; para-coumaric acid; pCA; potential barrier height; pyridyl pyrrole; rigid rotor; rotationally resolved; vibrationally resolved; kraitchman analysis; laser induced fluorescence abstract: David W. Pratt, PhDSPECTROSCOPY OF LARGE MOLECULES IN THE GAS PHASEPhilip John Morgan, Ph.D.University of Pittsburgh, 2010AbstractStructural and dynamical properties of molecular systems in both the ground and excited electronic states can be studied using rotationally resolved electronic spectroscopy in the gas phase. Analyses based on the collected experimental measurements and their spectral details supplemented by ab initio calculations provide the structural and dynamical information. In this work, relatively large molecules are studied, leading to conformational assignments of several molecules, the potential barriers for hindered methyl group torsional motion, the identity of different possible van der Waals complexes, evidence of excited state intramolecular proton transfer, and the determination of the ground and excited state dipole moments of several molecules. date: 2010-09-30 date_type: completed institution: University of Pittsburgh refereed: TRUE etdcommittee_name: Pratt, David W etdcommittee_name: Waldeck, David H etdcommittee_name: Chong, Lillian T etdcommittee_name: Leuba, Sanford H etdcommittee_email: pratt@pitt.edu etdcommittee_email: dave@pitt.edu etdcommittee_email: ltchong@pitt.edu etdcommittee_email: leuba@pitt.edu etdcommittee_id: PRATT etdcommittee_id: DAVE etdcommittee_id: LTCHONG etdcommittee_id: LEUBA etd_defense_date: 2010-08-17 etd_approval_date: 2010-09-30 etd_submission_date: 2010-08-12 etd_access_restriction: immediate etd_patent_pending: FALSE assigned_doi: doi:10.5195/pitt.etd.2011.9070 thesis_type: dissertation degree: PhD committee: David W. Pratt (pratt@pitt.edu) - Committee Chair committee: David H. Waldeck (dave@pitt.edu) - Committee Member committee: Lillian T. Chong (ltchong@pitt.edu) - Committee Member committee: Sanford H. Leuba (leuba@pitt.edu) - Committee Member etdurn: etd-08122010-142550 other_id: http://etd.library.pitt.edu/ETD/available/etd-08122010-142550/ other_id: etd-08122010-142550 citation: Morgan, Philip John (2010) Spectroscopy of Large Molecules in the Gas Phase. Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh. (Unpublished) document_url: http://d-scholarship-dev.library.pitt.edu/9070/1/PhilipJohnMorganAugust172010ETDThesis.pdf