eprintid: 7077 rev_number: 5 userid: 6 dir: disk0/00/00/70/77 datestamp: 2011-11-10 19:36:50 lastmod: 2016-11-15 13:39:55 status_changed: 2011-11-10 19:36:50 type: thesis_degree metadata_visibility: show contact_email: senayithaile@yahoo.com item_issues_count: 0 eprint_status: archive creators_name: Haile, Senayit Kidane creators_email: senayithaile@yahoo.com title: The Process Of African Immigrant Incorporation And Social Mobility And Its Impact On Health Care Access And Utilization ispublished: unpub divisions: sch_gsph_behavioralcommhealthsci full_text_status: public keywords: African; health care acess; health care utlization; immigrant; refugee; social mobility abstract: AbstractAfrican immigrants are arguably the most underserved subgroup within the United States. They have to date been largely ignored by researchers and public health agencies. While the number of African immigrants is relatively small they are one of the fastest growing groups in the United States and are likely to change the demographic makeup of the black American population. Even as there has been growing interest in African immigrant groups, existing literature does not recognize the heterogeneity within this diverse population. The result is an incomplete understanding of the factors that influence health, access and utilization of services among African immigrant groups.In this thesis, the dynamics of social and economic mobility of African immigrants' are examined to determine what effect they have on their ability to gain access to much needed public health services. Additionally, and of particular relevance to public health, factors that enable acclimation and quicken opportunities for social and economic mobility are discussed as they are predictors for health care access and utilization in both the short and long term. Results from a search of published research shows that inadequate acclimation to the various US systems can result in a protracted immigrant period and delayed economic and social incorporation. The result is reduced access and utilization of health and social services. Evident in the literature is the need for comprehensive immigration programs accompanied by educational curricula that facilitate the highest level of acclimation thereby enhancing knowledge, opportunities for economic mobility, access and utilization of health and social services. Recommendations are given to quicken immigrant acclimation and improve access and utilization of health and social services. date: 2010-06-29 date_type: completed institution: University of Pittsburgh refereed: TRUE etdcommittee_type: committee_chair etdcommittee_type: committee_member etdcommittee_type: committee_member etdcommittee_name: Documét, Patricia I etdcommittee_name: Terry, Martha Ann etdcommittee_name: Rohrer, Wesley etdcommittee_email: pdocumet@pitt.edu etdcommittee_email: materry@pitt.edu etdcommittee_email: wmrun@pitt.edu etdcommittee_id: PDOCUMET etdcommittee_id: MATERRY etdcommittee_id: WMRUN etd_defense_date: 2010-04-08 etd_approval_date: 2010-06-29 etd_submission_date: 2010-04-12 etd_access_restriction: immediate etd_patent_pending: FALSE assigned_doi: doi:10.5195/pitt.etd.2011.7077 thesis_type: thesis degree: MPH committee: Patricia I. Documét, MD, H (pdocumet@pitt.edu) - Committee Chair committee: Martha Ann Terry, PhD (materry@pitt.edu) - Committee Member committee: Wesley Rohrer, PhD (wmrun@pitt.edu) - Committee Member etdurn: etd-04122010-210454 other_id: http://etd.library.pitt.edu/ETD/available/etd-04122010-210454/ other_id: etd-04122010-210454 citation: Haile, Senayit Kidane (2010) The Process Of African Immigrant Incorporation And Social Mobility And Its Impact On Health Care Access And Utilization. Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh. (Unpublished) document_url: http://d-scholarship-dev.library.pitt.edu/7077/1/HAILESENAYITK2010_final.pdf