relation: title: Breastfeeding intention among two home visiting programs in Allegheny County creator: Perrino, Johnna description: Breastfeeding is the preferred feeding method among health organizations and physicians with a long-standing public health significance for its lasting health benefits in infants and mothers. The decision to breastfeed is influenced by many factors including, but not limited to, marital status and the support system of a pregnant woman, her race, education level, and smoking status. Home visiting is a free and voluntary service associated with improving birth outcomes when women are enrolled early in pregnancy. Home visiting is delivered by trained professionals to provide education and support during pregnancy and after delivery. Home visiting is significant to public health because it is one way that a pregnant woman and family can receive support and education on breastfeeding. The history and context in which home visiting evolved are outlined. One current gap in data is breastfeeding intention rates by race, marital status, education, and smoking status. This project looks at how the contributing factors of race, marital status and support, education, and smoking status affects breastfeeding intention in two home visiting programs at a Southwest Pennsylvania health department. These contributing factors were chosen to provide an initial report of mothers in two home visiting programs who intended and did not intend to breastfeed. The findings reflect the challenges and complex dynamics of pregnant and parenting families’ life circumstances and available resources. date: 2018-12-14 type: Other Thesis, Dissertation, or Long Paper type: PeerReviewed format: application/msword language: en identifier: identifier: Perrino, Johnna (2018) Breastfeeding intention among two home visiting programs in Allegheny County. Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.