%A Alyssa B. Lypson %T Synthesis of the Conformationally Controlled ??Turn Mimetic Torsion Balance Core Scaffold %X The molecular torsion balance concept was applied to a new conformationally controlled scaffold to accurately evaluate pairwise amino acid interactions in an antiparallel ?-sheet motif. The scaffold?s core design combines (ortho-tolyl)amide and o,o,o?-trisubstituted biphenyl structural units to provide a geometry better-suited for intramolecular hydrogen bonding. The aim of this study was to develop synthetic methods for the core scaffold and to conduct a preliminary investigation into the improved sequence alignment on upper and lower aromatic rings to promote hydrogen bond formation at the correct distance and antiparallel orientation. %D 2018 %K torsion balance, peptidomimetic, ?-sheet, synthesis, NMR %I University of Pittsburgh %L pittir33990