%A Lauren Ojeda %T Domestic minor sex trafficking and technology %X Human trafficking is a significant public health and human rights problem with negative physical, mental, and social outcomes that transcend age, sex, gender, and race and ethnicity; these outcomes have immediate and long-term effects for individuals involved. It manifests itself in a number of forms, including the domestic sex trafficking of minors, and involves a wide variety of actors. This paper presents a general overview of human trafficking. The various forms of human trafficking are defined, with particular emphasis on the domestic sex trafficking of minors. Additionally, the perpetration, risk factors, and health outcomes of the domestic sex trafficking of minors are explored in order to provide a working framework for the remainder of the paper. The role of technologies and their relations to sex trafficking follows the background. In particular, key concepts related to the Internet have been explained to further understand how the Internet can be used as a tool for and against sex trafficking. Future work should continue to include the voices of the LGBTQ+ population and consider applying a community based participatory research (CBPR) approach. %D 2017 %K human trafficking, sex trafficking, domestic minor sex trafficking, youth, technology %I University of Pittsburgh %L pittir32350