@unpublished{pittir31162, title = {Implementing enhanced physical activity programs in schools}, school = {University of Pittsburgh}, author = {Leah M McGhee}, publisher = {University of Pittsburgh}, year = {2017}, url = {http://d-scholarship-dev.library.pitt.edu/31162/}, abstract = {This essay addresses an important issue of public health significance, the lack of regular physical activity for many youth during the school day and the resultant adverse impacts on their health by not meeting national recommendations for physical activity. Through the literature review a number of barriers related to time, resources and support have been discussed as obstacles deterring school staff from promoting physical activity during the day. However, results of the review provide positive associations with physical activity programs implemented in schools. Specifically, positive results are seen in behavior, test scores, and time participating in moderate to vigorous physical activity. In our local community, a resource guide for Allegheny County Schools was developed and disseminated to help eliminate obstacles our schools may be facing when trying to implement physical activity programs. The result of this work is the Raise Your Hand for Health Resource Guide. An easy-to-use informational guide to promote physical activity programs in schools.} }