%A DP Curran %A Q Zhang %J Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis %T Microwave Heating Effects Rapid and Selective Decarboalkoxylation of Mono-Alkylated Malonates and ?-Ketoesters %X Brief microwave irradiation of mono-alkylated malonates and ?-ketoesters at 160-200 ?C in wet DMF induces smooth and selective decarboalkoxylation. Observations suggest that this reaction occurs by nucleophilic attack of water at the ester carbonyl carbon (hydrolysis) followed by decarboxylation of the resulting acid. The process occurs despite the absence of traditional acid, base or nucleophile catalysts or reagents. %N 3 %P 329 - 332 %V 345 %D 2003 %R 10.1002/adsc.200390033 %L pittir20460