eprintid: 10159 rev_number: 4 userid: 6 dir: disk0/00/01/01/59 datestamp: 2011-11-10 20:08:55 lastmod: 2016-11-15 13:53:41 status_changed: 2011-11-10 20:08:55 type: thesis_degree metadata_visibility: show contact_email: wingsofdawn@yahoo.com item_issues_count: 0 eprint_status: archive creators_name: Moehling, Krissy Kai creators_email: wingsofdawn@yahoo.com title: Career Guidance Education: Helping Resettled Refugees Plan Their Future ispublished: unpub divisions: sch_gsph_behavioralcommhealthsci full_text_status: public keywords: career guidance education; refugees; resettled abstract: This study looks at the vulnerable population of refugees, specifically refugee youth. Specific attention is paid to mental health issues, notions of belonging, adapting, and acculturation, and the potential role that career guidance education can play in positively impacting the mental health and long-term resettlement success of refugee youth. Results from a search of published literature and interviews with local resettlement organizations in Pittsburgh, PA are summarized. The findings show that the experiences of traumatic events in their country of origin and that life conditions in countries of resettlement, significantly impact the mental health and development of refugee health. Mental health conditions noted in refugee populations include post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety and depression. Evident in the literature is the hope that the role of education holds for refugee youth and the positive gains that a sense of school belonging has on their depression levels. Career guidance education curricula for general student populations in the United States, has multiple social, educational, and economic benefits. This study suggests that career guidance education curricula targeted to resettled refugee youth, could increase their sense of self-agency, self-efficacy, and empowerment thereby increasing feelings of overall well being and leading to long-term resettlement success. The issue of the status of refugee youths' mental health and the potential role that career guidance education can have in helping them understand, think about, and plan for their future is extremely salient to the field of public health. However, it is unknown whether or not career guidance education curricula would be relevant to refugee youth due to differing cultural models dictating career choice and expectations. Recommendations for future research and program development addressing the health and well-being of refugee youth in the Pittsburgh area are provided. date: 2008-01-31 date_type: completed institution: University of Pittsburgh refereed: TRUE etdcommittee_type: committee_chair etdcommittee_type: committee_member etdcommittee_type: committee_member etdcommittee_name: Burke, Jessica Griffin etdcommittee_name: Documet, Patricia etdcommittee_name: Rohrer, Wesley etdcommittee_email: jgburke@pitt.edu etdcommittee_email: pdocumet@pitt.edu etdcommittee_email: wmrun@pitt.edu etdcommittee_id: JGBURKE etdcommittee_id: PDOCUMET etdcommittee_id: WMRUN etd_defense_date: 2007-11-27 etd_approval_date: 2008-01-31 etd_submission_date: 2007-12-07 etd_access_restriction: immediate etd_patent_pending: FALSE assigned_doi: doi:10.5195/pitt.etd.2011.10159 thesis_type: thesis degree: MPH committee: Jessica Griffin Burke (jgburke@pitt.edu) - Committee Chair committee: Patricia Documet (pdocumet@pitt.edu) - Committee Member committee: Wesley Rohrer (wmrun@pitt.edu) - Committee Member etdurn: etd-12072007-155940 other_id: http://etd.library.pitt.edu/ETD/available/etd-12072007-155940/ other_id: etd-12072007-155940 citation: Moehling, Krissy Kai (2008) Career Guidance Education: Helping Resettled Refugees Plan Their Future. Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh. (Unpublished) document_url: http://d-scholarship-dev.library.pitt.edu/10159/1/Moehling_krissy_12122007.pdf